歐盟擬放寬強制查驗孟加拉進口水產品限制歐盟食品暨檢疫部(FVO)稽查小組於今年3月訪查孟加拉,發現抗生素殘留監控系統大有改善,歐盟對孟加拉水產品查驗立場有所改變。儘管出口推廣局花蓮民宿通知出口商及漁業官方代表表示,由歐盟發佈的正式放寬聲明仍需費日況時,孟加拉駐布魯塞爾大使館的商業參事仍對歐盟短期內取消強制抽驗二成孟加拉進口冷凍養殖蝦深具信心。出口商認為關鍵字行銷歐盟當局放寬強制查驗規定有助於降低延遲通關及減少成本,定會吸引更多買家增加孟加拉進口業務。以歐盟為最大出口市場的孟加拉,2010-2011會計年度的冷凍水產品(蝦為最大宗)出口收益整合負債較上一個會計年度(44,500萬美元)成長四成,達62,500萬美元, (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 16/2011,29 August 2011) The European Union (EU) may remove its mandatory 買屋網rule to inspect 20% of frozen farmed shrimp consignments from Bangladesh soon, according to the commercial counselor of Bangladesh embassy in Brussels. However, the 融資Export Promotion Bureau informed exporters and fisheries officials that a formal announcement of the waiver by the EU authority may take some time. The EU has relaxed 九份民宿its stance after an audit team of the Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) visited Bangladesh in March and found improvements in the antibiotic residue monitoring system. 花蓮民宿Exporters said that the easing the 20% testing by the EU authority will encourage more buyers to import from Bangladesh because the waiver will reduce delays in getting 系統傢俱clearance and cut costs. Bangladesh registered a 40% rise in exports earnings from frozen seafood (mainly shrimp) to US$625 million during the fiscal 2010-11 from US$445 買屋網million in the previous year, with the EU as the largest destination.

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